Loan Rates
Fair rates and terms to help you get ahead in life
Whether you are buying a home, refinancing a vehicle, starting a business or consolidating debt, borrowing from AIM Credit Union is a great way to help finance the big dreams you might not have cash for.
Make affordable monthly payments with fair rates that won’t leave you scrambling to make ends meet!
Home Equity
All rates subject to change. No points and no annual fee. Rates displayed are “as low as” and may vary based on LTV and credit score.
Mortgage Rates
Rates are subject to change without notice. 30-, 20-, and 15-year fixed mortgage loans will transfer servicing to an investor. Quoted rates assume purchase money mortgage, single-family, owner-occupied dwelling with loan amount of $150,000 and a purchase price of $200,000 using a 30-day lock with a minimum credit score of 740. Changing these assumptions may change terms. Please contact a loan officer for more information.
Vehicle Loan Rates
New Titled and Untitled Vehicles 2025-2022
2021 – 2020 Vehicles
2019 – 2018 Vehicles
2017 – 2015 Vehicles
2014 and Older Vehicles
All rates shown above are AS LOW AS and are subject to change. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. ACU Rewards offers a .7% reduction in APR if you qualify when you use the following credit union services and products: ACU checking with direct deposit, payroll deduction, ACH payment, ACU MasterCard, financing the trade value or 10% down. RATES QUOTED ABOVE ARE SHOWING ALL DISCOUNTS. Some restrictions apply. Motorcycles now classified with vehicle rates and not RV rates. Seven (7) year term offered only to new, untitled vehicles over $35,000.
RV Loan Rates
2022 and Newer RVs
2021 – 2020 RVs
2019 – 2018 RVs
2017 – 2015 RVs
2014 and Older RVs
All rates shown above are AS LOW AS and are subject to change. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. ACU Rewards offers a .7% reduction in APR if you qualify when you use the following credit union services and products: ACU checking with direct deposit, payroll deduction, ACH payment, ACU MasterCard, financing the trade value or 10% down. RATES QUOTED ABOVE ARE SHOWING ALL DISCOUNTS. Some restrictions apply. Motorcycles now classified with vehicle rates and not RV rates. Seven (7) year term offered only to new, untitled recreational vehicles over $35,000.
Holiday Loan Special
All rates subject to change. No points and no annual fee. Rates displayed are “as low as” and may vary based on LTV and credit score.